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Make it an Epic Adventure

The Beatles sang -

You say you want a revolution. Well, you know...

- and I know they were not thinking about the same type of revolution I am today. OK, yes, that was a stretch. Let me fan the flames a bit more (see what I did there?).

Now that I've made you roll yours eyes, maybe more than once, let's talk about Epic Fans!

First, if you are going to do something, go big. I mean bigger, yeah, colossal.

Why not COLOSSUS? This is where it began for Epic. I can read on their website and so can you, but I think I can make it sound better. It all started because the cows were hot. It was 'epic'ally hot out, the cows were very hot, and the milk wasn't flowing, if you know what I mean. So, let's develop a way to cool off the cows. Boom. An HVLS (High Volume, Low Speed) fan was designed. Today, this standard-drive model goes by Colossus. Standard sizes go up to 24 ft. in diameter. That can move a lot of air and just might help produce a colossal amount of milk.

The story doesn't end there. The applications for HVLS fans go far and wide, and when there are large warehouses full of hard working people, they need cooled off, too. However, they also need to be able to communicate efficiently, so the Apex model was developed. It's quiet. Think about the time you climbed a mountain. You reached the apex, and, aside from some wind, it was beautifully, blissfully quiet. I haven't climbed a big mountain, but I HAVE watched a lot of movies. I've also worn ear protection in a loud manufacturing environment. Now, I'm just thinking about mountains. I did climb up to Hurricane Ridge in Olympic NP. See...

Hurricane Ridge - Olympic NP July, 2022

I feel like I lost my train of thought. That was some fresh air up on that ridge. That's right!

The Apex model can help circulate the air so the building HVAC system can properly exchange air, keeping it fresh. The Apex has diameters from 6 to 14 ft., and at less than 35 dBA is perfect if sound levels matter. I could keep on going because, yes, there is more. More fans, more controls, more. I'll save it till next time. I'm ready to go find a mountain to climb. It will be an Epic Adventure.

Apex Model

Jeff Love is the Marketing Engineer with Langendorf Supply Co. - Indianapolis. Keep watch for more interesting articles, product highlights, and announcements each week.


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